
How to foster children's learning while sheltering at home

Parents sheltering at home with their kids sometimes struggle to foster their children's continued engagement with learning. Eva Pomerantz, a professor of psychology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, studies ...

Secure light-based communication through biological tissues

Visible light communications (VLC), and optical communications overall, caught professor Marcos Katz's interest when he and his team first demonstrated in 2017 a reconfigurable hybrid wireless network exploiting VLC and radio ...

Physicists produce stable water-based graphene dispersions

UmeƄ researchers show how activated graphene, activated carbons and other hydrophobic carbons can be dispersed in water in a form of micrometer-sized particles. The key agent that helps to make these dispersions last for ...

How has COVID-19 impacted supply chains around the world?

Acute shortages of supplies to safely diagnose and treat patients with COVID-19 has crippled the United States' response to the coronavirus pandemic. Despite the importance of widespread and comprehensive testing for COVID-19, ...

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