
Reassigning the vibrational spectrum of vanadium pentoxide

The experimental elucidation of the structures at the interface between a working catalyst and the reacting molecules is the key to a fundamental understanding of heterogeneous catalysis. Researchers from the Fritz Haber ...

How stress hormones guide bacteria in their host

In humans and animals, catecholamines such as epinephrine, norepinephrine, and dopamine are common stress hormones. Stress can increase the body's susceptibility to bacterial infections. In the laboratory, stress hormones ...

New insight on the source/sink balance of cyanobacteria

A new study from the Michigan State University-DOE Plant Research Laboratory (PRL) brings fresh insight on the source/sink balance of cyanobacteria and paves the way for further advancements in photosynthetic microbes for ...

New model links mate selection to species survival

In a new paper published in Ecology Letters, Michigan State University evolutionary biologist Janette Boughman shows that the process of choosing a mate could be very important to the survival of the species. To do this, ...

The unfolding story of a kilonova told in X-rays

Astronomers may have detected a "sonic boom" from a powerful blast known as a kilonova. This event was seen in GW170817, a merger of two neutron stars and the first object detected in both gravitational waves and electromagnetic ...

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