
Movie website access delights China netizens

Movie fans in China Thursday welcomed a popular film website being unblocked by censors, but it was unclear whether the move suggested any wider relaxation in the country's tightly-controlled media.

NZ court backs Dotcom's right to sue spy agency

An appeal court Thursday backed Megaupload boss Kim Dotcom's right to sue New Zealand's foreign intelligence agency for illegally spying on him as part of a US probe into alleged online piracy.

US takes its diplomacy digital

When John Kerry took to Twitter on his first day as US secretary of state, he joined an army of diplomats using social media to reach out and connect directly with people around the world.

Randy pandas get privacy at Tokyo zoo

A pair of pandas in the mood for mating were being given a bit of space Thursday with Japanese zookeepers hoping they will mate on if the public was kept away.

International ban on polar bear trade rejected

A major meeting of governments on threats to endangered species on Thursday rejected a ban on international trade in polar bears amid fears it would distract from the bigger threat of global warming.

Australia's nocturnal bilby under threat after floods

Australia's desert-dwelling bilby is under threat after floods destroyed a predator fence which allowed feral cats to kill 150 of the newborn marsupials, conservationists said Thursday.

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