
NEC launches portable terminal for electronic money payment

NEC Corporation announced today the launch of a new portable terminal for electronic money payment, the "Multi-Service Terminal / Portable," which enables retailers to conveniently expand the availability of electronic money ...

Renewable energy for hydrogen production

Siemens is participating in a research project that is looking at ways to convert carbon dioxide (CO2) into useful chemical feedstock. It may even be possible to permanently remove the gas, which would be separated out during ...

Iowa State, Ames Lab researcher hunts for green catalysts

L. Keith Woo is searching for cleaner, greener chemical reactions. Woo, an Iowa State University professor of chemistry and an associate of the U.S. Department of Energy's Ames Laboratory, has studied catalysts and the chemical ...

DNA better than eyes when counting endangered species

Using genetic methods to count endangered eagles, a group of scientists showed that traditional counting methods can lead to significantly incorrect totals that they believe could adversely affect conservation efforts.

Space shuttle Discovery heads home to retirement

(AP) -- Its decades-long mission accomplished, space shuttle Discovery headed home to retirement after undocking from the International Space Station on Monday for the last time.

Researchers publish scientific paper on 2001 anthrax attacks

Researchers at the Institute for Genome Sciences at the University of Maryland School of Medicine and collaborators at the FBI, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases and Northern Arizona University ...

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