
Some tips on shopping for smartphone service

The cellphone industry's traditional way of doing business - locking customers into pricey two-year contracts - has been upended thanks to upstart major carriers T-Mobile and Sprint and a bunch of smaller providers that are ...

Netflix says it wants to stream 'The Interview'

The streaming service Netflix wants to make Sony's "The Interview" available to its 53 million worldwide subscribers, Netflix's chief content officer said on Wednesday.

Levitation recreates nature's dumbbells

Splash form tektites are tiny pieces of natural glass created out of spinning drops of molten rock flung from the earth during an extra-terrestrial impact—when the earth is hit by asteroids or comets. They come in a myriad ...

Social equity in urban transportation planning

During the 20th century, urban transportation planning in North America was mainly concerned with easing traffic congestion, improving safety and saving time for motorists. These days, most cities' transportation plans evoke ...

Shedding light on why blue LEDs are so tricky to make

Scientists at University College London, in collaboration with groups at the University of Bath and the Daresbury Laboratory, have uncovered the mystery of why blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are so difficult to make, by ...

SEED has won the international Mars One University Competition

Seed was selected by popular vote from an initial 35 university proposals. The aim of the project is to germinate the first seed on Mars and to prove the concept that it is possible to germinate and grow plants on Mars. Besides ...

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