
Subaru telescope captures comet Lovejoy's tail

A team of astronomers from Stony Brook University (the State University of New York at Stony Brook), the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan (NAOJ), and others used Suprime-Cam, Subaru Telescope's wide-field, prime-focus ...

Scientists engineer human stem cells

In an important scientific breakthrough in regenerative medicine, researchers at A*STAR's Genome Institute of Singapore have successfully converted human embryonic stem cells (hESCs) cultured in the laboratory to a state ...

Two MSU-built satellites set to launch early Dec. 6

Two more satellites built by Montana State University students are scheduled to be lofted into space this week under NASA's Educational Launch of Nanosatellites (ELaNa-2) program.

Cloning strong, high-quality forest trees

(Phys.org) —University of Georgia researchers are working to produce faster-growing sweetgum trees by growing embryogenic sweetgum cultures in bioreactors, computer-operated systems used for growing cells under controlled ...

Benefits of mechanical grape crop thinning

Concord grape growers in western New York expanded the use of mechanical crop thinning techniques this season to maximize the value of an abundant harvest in what started as an uncertain year. By removing up to one-third ...

Will your next phone be Fair Trade?

Organic, cage-free or home-grown? We think about our purchasing ethics in many areas of daily life, but not often about technology.

Ramping up pterostilbene in crops

A team of U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) scientists has developed a way to boost production of a beneficial plant compound called pterostilbene.

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