
Fermi improves its vision for thunderstorm Gamma-ray flashes

(Phys.org)—Thanks to improved data analysis techniques and a new operating mode, the Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) aboard NASA's Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope is now 10 times better at catching the brief outbursts of ...

Pulverized rocks used to strip CO2 from large emitting plants

Researchers in Quebec are developing a process that would see steel, coal and cement plants as well as oil and gas facilities remove most of the carbon dioxide (CO2) from their emissions through chemical reactions with various ...

Copper, gold and tin for efficient chips

With gold, copper or tin and special galvanizing processes, scientists are improving the function of semi-conductors and making the manufacture of microelectronic systems a child's play. Especially the LED industry could ...

Keeping ship hulls free of marine organisms

Special underwater coatings prevent shells and other organisms from growing on the hull of ships—but biocide paints are ecologically harmful. Together with the industry, researchers have developed more environmentally-friendly ...

Orbiter spies where rover's cruise stage hit Mars

(Phys.org)—During the 10 minutes before the NASA Mars Science Laboratory spacecraft entered the Martian atmosphere to deliver the rover Curiosity to the surface, the spacecraft shed its cruise stage, which had performed ...

Amazon launches Kindle store in Brazil

(AP)—E-commerce giant Amazon.com Inc has launched its online Kindle Store in Latin America's biggest country to reach consumers in Brazil's burgeoning middle class.

Hackers said to hit UN telecoms talks in Dubai (Update)

(AP)—Organizers of a U.N. conference on global telecommunications said Thursday that hackers apparently blocked their website and disrupted the talks, a gathering some critics fear could lead to greater controls over the ...

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