
Fiji calls for urgency in talks to implement climate accord

Fiji's prime minister called for a sense of urgency in the fight against global warming Monday, telling negotiators "we must not fail our people," as he opened two weeks of talks on implementing the Paris accord on combating ...

Hubble cashes in Abell's richest cluster

The universe contains some truly massive objects. Although we are still unsure how such gigantic things come to be, the current leading theory is known as hierarchical clustering, whereby small clumps of matter collide and ...

First luxury Perigord truffle is cultivated in Britain

A black Perigord truffle has been cultivated in Britain for the first time, and the scientists who announced the breakthrough on Monday said climate change could make it a new British crop.

2017 set to be hottest non-El Nino year: UN

2017 is on track to be the hottest year on record except for two warmed by El Nino phenomena, the UN's World Meteorological Organization said Monday.

Nanosensors could monitor health in real time

Public health organizations have long warned about the devastating potential of superbugs—bacteria that are immune to any existing antibiotics. If left unchecked, by 2050 these microorganisms could kill 10 million people ...

Oil and gas emissions a major contributor to bad ozone days

On certain days in 2014, oil and gas emissions made a big contribution to high summertime ozone levels in northeastern Colorado, according a new study led by CIRES and NOAA researchers. High concentrations of summertime ozone ...

Tests ensure astronaut, ground crew safety before Orion launches

NASA is performing a series of tests to evaluate how astronauts and ground crew involved in final preparations before Orion missions will quickly get out of the spacecraft, if an emergency were to occur on the pad prior to ...

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