
Deserts and dunes—Earth as an analogue for Titan

By comparing radar images of areas on Titan to those of Earth's deserts, scientists have identified two distinct types of sand dune on Saturn's largest moon – and discovered eroded structures that indicate that Titan's ...

Where do rats move in after disasters? This team finds out

Imagine you're a researcher working outdoors in a New Orleans summer. It's 100 degrees, and you're going door-to-door in neighborhoods where people have grown tired of being studied by outsiders in the decade since Hurricane ...

Climate talks: Points of contention

Some 60 environment and energy ministers are to huddle from Sunday in Paris to narrow disagreements in a global climate pact to be inked in December.

Russian women finish test on space flight confinement

After emerging from an eight-day space simulation on Friday, the all-female Russian crew said they had missed their loved ones in the experiment more than they missed the comforts of regular life.

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