
Cassava with improved starch

Using the famous CRISPR-Cas9 gene scissors, plant biotechnologists at ETH Zurich have been able to improve cassava. The new variety has amylose-free or 'waxy' starch, which is preferred by industry.

Why size matters for gold as a catalyst

Gold is the noblest metal—the most resistant to oxidation. However, nano-size gold has a unique ability to perform as a catalyst, even at low temperatures. The underlying mechanism for this size-dependent change in properties ...

Fish-eye lens may entangle pairs of atoms

Nearly 150 years ago, the physicist James Maxwell proposed that a circular lens that is thickest at its center, and that gradually thins out at its edges, should exhibit some fascinating optical behavior. Namely, when light ...

Rethinking the electronic waste problem

Our love affair with mobile phones, computers and everything electronic has created a global tsunami of electronic waste. It is estimated that more than 40 million tonnes of e-waste is generated around the world per annum ...

Shining light on dark fiber, other broadband networks

Only a couple of months after they were installed in 2016, New York City decided to cut off internet access to a series of "smart city" kiosks it built to replace old telephone booths after homeless people monopolized them ...

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