
Mimicking the moon's surface in the basement

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of scientists used an ion beam in a basement room at Los Alamos National Laboratory to simulate solar winds on the surface of the Moon. The table-top simulation helped confirm that the Moon is inherently ...

NASA Images Show Continuing Mexico Quake Deformation

(PhysOrg.com) -- New NASA airborne radar images of Southern California near the U.S.-Mexico border show Earth's surface is continuing to deform following the April 4 magnitude, 7.2 temblor and its many aftershocks that have ...

Apple eye Chinese game developer Handseeing

US computer giant Apple is in negotiations to buy Chinese Internet game developer Handseeing Information Technology, a top executive with the Chinese firm said Friday.

Saudi Arabia suspends BlackBerry messaging: users

Saudi Arabia suspended BlackBerry messaging services on Friday, according to users of the smartphones, after mobile providers said the action was being taken due to security concerns.

Climate talks appear to slip backward

(AP) -- Global climate talks appeared to have slipped backward after five days of negotiations in Bonn, with rich and poor countries exchanging charges of reneging on agreements they made last year to contain greenhouse ...

Unusual orange lobster saved from the pot

What's unusual about this orange lobster? Its alive! Lobsters are usually a brownish-green colour when living and turn orange when they have been cooked. But a rare live reddish-orange coloured specimen has been spotted in ...

Scientists Warn of Louisiana Coastal Erosion

(PhysOrg.com) -- A team of researchers, including three from Boston University, have released findings suggesting that current plans to introduce fresh water to inland marshes around the Louisiana Gulf Coast may weaken protective ...

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