
Sailors leave ancient 'fingerprints' across Polynesia

A long-standing debate on the colonisation process of Oceania has been put to rest with new research finding Polynesia was deliberately settled in one of the greatest maritime migrations in human history.

Does biomass harvest affect wildlife?

On loblolly pine plantations in the Southeast, timber harvesting often involves an extra step: gleaning woody debris left behind after clearcutting. Branches, treetops and smaller trees are sources of biomass that can be ...

Exposed to space and back on Earth

In the excitement of watching Tim Peake, Yuri Malenchenko and Tim Kopra land on Earth on 18 June after 186 days in space, all attention was focused on the astronauts and their bumpy ride.

What happens when sports rules go awry?

As Wimbledon quarter finals beckon and the semi-finals of Euro 2016 are about to kick off, operational research scientists have been looking at what happens when the rules of sport are changed or when existing rules lead ...

Image: Enceladus and its paper-thin crust

Of all the icy moons in the Solar System, Saturn's moon Enceladus is probably the 'hottest' when measured for its potential to host life. Despite its distance from Earth, it may also be the easiest to investigate.

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