
Ancient river systems on Mars seen in unparalleled detail

Researchers have spent decades looking for evidence of ancient water on Mars. As technology has progressed, more evidence has come to light that rivers, lakes and even oceans were once abundant on the red planet.

Scientists 'at the bleeding edge' with upgrade to CMS detector

The huge detectors providing a window to the world's tiniest particles are set for a $153 million upgrade, and a team of Purdue University scientists will play a key role—continuing the university's decades-long legacy ...

China plans to complete space station by 2022

China plans to send four crewed space missions and the same number of cargo craft to complete work on its permanent space station within about two years, officials said after the launch of a newly designed spacecraft aboard ...

Unraveling one of prion disease's deadly secrets

A molecular biologist at the University of Massachusetts Amherst who has for decades studied the nightmarish group of fatal diseases caused by prions—chronic wasting disease in deer, mad cow in cattle and its human analog—credits ...

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