
The dark side of cosmology

It's a beautiful theory: the standard model of cosmology describes the universe using just six parameters. But it is also strange. The model predicts that dark matter and dark energy – two mysterious entities that have ...

Development aid can exacerbate violence in war-torn countries

Although development aid is commonly seen as an important tool in the quest to reduce poverty in conflict-riven countries, new research co-written by a University of Illinois expert in development economics concludes that ...

Researchers connect climate change to food safety

Climate change can affect our food safety in a number of ways. In a European study, researchers at Wageningen University and Ghent University (Belgium) state that there is often a relationship between long-term changes in ...

Pakistan customs bag record haul of illegal turtle meat

Pakistani authorities are investigating after nearly two tonnes of freshwater turtle meat—a record haul taken from more than 4,000 animals—was seized from smugglers at Karachi port, officials said Friday.

Evolving to cope with climate change

Over the next two centuries, climate change is likely to impact everything from industrial agriculture to the shape of our coastlines. The changing climate will certainly cause huge changes around the world, and the challenge ...

Studying effects of target 'tents' on NIF

A systematic study of the effects on National Ignition Facility (NIF) implosions of the ultra-thin mounting membranes that support target capsules inside NIF hohlraums was reported by LLNL researchers in a Physics of Plasmas ...

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