
A bright future for LEDs

A single wafer-level LED chip that produces more than 150 Watts of light output has been made in work form China. This level of output from a single chip makes applications for LEDs in high power lighting from stadiums to ...

Remote piloted aircraft maps storm surge impacts

One year on from the biggest UK storm surge for 60 years, new aerial photos have revealed details of breaches to the natural and man-made coastal defences on part of the East Anglian coastline.

Long-searched-for glueball could soon be detected

(Phys.org) —While the Higgs boson may be the most famous elusive particle in particle physics, a lesser known particle that has continued to elude even the most powerful high-energy experiments to date is the glueball, ...

Unlocking the potential of big data in the cloud

Cloud computing and Big Data are the two top innovation hubs in ICT. Together they have the potential to become pivotal enhancers of social transformation and economic development for many years to come.

Big Data infrastructure for science

Big Data comes naturally to science. Every year, scientists in every field, from astronomy to zoology, make tremendous leaps in their ability to generate valuable data.

Science powerhouses unite to help search for gravitational waves

Scientists since Albert Einstein have believed that when major galactic events like supernova explosions or black hole mergers occur in the universe, they leave a trace. That trace, it is believed, takes the form of gravitational ...

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