
Cellular mechanism that allows stem cells to maintain their state

Embryonic stem cells can give rise to every cell type in the body. A team of researchers from Sweden, in collaboration with groups in Switzerland and Canada, has now identified a cellular mechanism that is important for the ...

New data shows that homelessness is a women's rights issue

Visible homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the housing crisis across Canada. For women, girls and gender-diverse people, homelessness is often hidden, meaning that they are more likely to avoid shelters, ...

Why sweet-toothed possums graze on stressed, sickly-looking trees

From time to time, I'm contacted by people who have a favorite garden tree that seems suddenly to be in serious decline and lacking healthy foliage. Often the decline has been occurring over many months, but when first noticed, ...

A technique to find oceans on other worlds

You could say that the study of extrasolar planets is in a phase of transition of late. To date, 4,525 exoplanets have been confirmed in 3,357 systems, with another 7,761 candidates awaiting confirmation. As a result, exoplanet ...

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