
Image: Rover's panorama taken amid Murray Buttes on Mars

This 360-degree panorama was acquired by the Mast Camera (Mastcam) on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover while the rover was in an area called "Murray Buttes" on lower Mount Sharp, one of the most scenic landscapes yet visited by ...

How cutting down on junk food could help save the environment

Looking for a new reason to cut down on "junk" food? Besides the obvious health-related benefits, I showed in a recent study that discretionary or junk foods make up a significant proportion of food-related environmental ...

Beaver-inspired wetsuits may help keep surfers warm

Beavers and sea otters lack the thick layer of blubber that insulates walruses and whales. And yet these small, semiaquatic mammals can keep warm and even dry while diving, by trapping warm pockets of air in dense layers ...

Image: Parachute for Mars

A full-size model of the ExoMars entry, descent and landing module, Schiaparelli, with its parachute deployed was revealed on ESA's open day last Sunday in the Netherlands.

Peccaries of Mesoamerica now highly threatened, warn experts

Hunting, deforestation, and cattle ranching in Mesoamerica have become a triad of trouble for the white-lipped peccary (Tayassu pecari), an ecologically important species now threatened with regional extinction, according ...

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