
Courts rule inconsistently on corporate identities

When the Supreme Court ruled in Citizens United vs. Federal Elections Commission in 2010, it effectively stated that corporations are people under the First Amendment, able to spend as much money on some forms of political ...

Trifunctional molecule decodes cellular communication

(Phys.org)—How does one define the factors on the surface of human cells to which a molecule of interest binds? This question is typically hard to answer. Researchers of ETH Zurich have developed a new technology that enables ...

3Qs: Who won the first debate?

Alan Schroeder, a pro­fessor in the School of Jour­nalism in the Col­lege of Arts, Media and Design and one of the nation's fore­most experts on pres­i­den­tial debates, offers an analysis of the first of three match-​​ups ...

Network research needs to focus on temporality and weightedness

The study of complex networks in statistical physics and computational science has become more and more focused on so-called dynamic networks. Where traditional approaches have treated the links in networks as static, contemporary ...

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