
New study tracks sulfur-based metabolism in the open ocean

One of the planet's most active ecosystems is one most people rarely encounter and scientists are only starting to explore. The open ocean contains tiny organisms—phytoplankton—that perform half the photosynthesis on ...

Solving a hidden threat to New Zealand's meat and dairy industry

Associate Professors Bridget Stocker and Mattie Timmer from Victoria University of Wellington are working with AgResearch to help address this problem, developing vaccines to help prevent ovine pneumonia, with promising early ...

Making California's water supply resilient

As with the stock market, climate change requires a diversified portfolio of solutions. California Gov. Gavin Newsom recently signed an executive order to develop a comprehensive strategy for making the state's water system ...

The Swiss Army knife of gene editing gets new control

When researchers want to edit, activate, or silence a gene in any living organism, from bacteria to humans, they often turn to CRISPR/Cas9, a complex of RNA and protein that can act like a genetic Swiss Army knife.

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