
Americans prefer gun control, but few prioritise it

As the US Congress returns from its August recess, Republican leaders have promised to work with Democrats to place gun control front and centre. Possible items on the agenda include enacting stronger background checks and ...

Why are there so few women CEOs?

Women comprise about 47% of the U.S. workforce, yet they make up barely a quarter of all senior executives at large U.S. public companies. Even worse, only about 5% of Standard & Poor's 500 companies have female CEOs.

Diversity increases ecosystem stability

Forests with a large variety of species are more productive and stable under stress than monocultures: scientists from the University of Freiburg have confirmed this with data from the world's oldest field trial on the diversity ...

Using ultracold atoms to find WMDs

One problem in dealing with weapons of mass destruction is that they are well hidden. The key to finding them may be to change the methods we use to look. One such method is taking shape in a lab in the basement of Small ...

How companies are taking advantage of selfie culture

Who would have thought that millennials' polished selfies at the beach or #nofilter photos of themselves would influence how companies are marketing their products on various social media platforms?

Here's what happens when political bubbles collide

Social media has transformed how people talk to each other. But social media platforms are not shaping up to be the utopian spaces for human connection their founders hoped.

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