
Scientists precisely measure the charge state of manganese

Most atoms lose or gain just a few negatively charged electrons from their surroundings, but not manganese. This element can donate up to seven electrons or wrench as many as three electrons away, abilities that can have ...

Nutrient pollution is changing sounds in the sea

Nutrient pollution emptying into seas from cities, towns and agricultural land is changing the sounds made by marine life – and potentially upsetting navigational cues for fish and other sea creatures, a new University ...

The role of body language in teacher-student interactions

An encouraging smile, a sceptical frown, a negating shake of the head: body language is very diverse and effective. With the discovery of mirror neurons, brain researchers corroborated its impact by demonstrating how these ...

PPPL intern creates software for snapshot of plasma in NSTX-U

When most of today's college interns were still in kindergarten, Max Wallace was working for more than a decade as a programmer for various companies, founding a hackerspace in Charlotte, North Carolina, and writing code ...

Move over Nessie: Real Scottish sea monster uncovered

A toothy, dolphin-like predator which prowled the oceans in the Jurassic era, when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, has been uncovered in a Scottish museum where it lay buried for 50 years, scientists said Monday.

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