
Three-dimensional chip combines computing and data storage

As embedded intelligence is finding its way into ever more areas of our lives, fields ranging from autonomous driving to personalized medicine are generating huge amounts of data. But just as the flood of data is reaching ...

Malaria parasites able to sense their hosts calorie intake

Even though malaria still kills one child every minute, the vast majority of those infected still survive, with roughly 200 million new infections every year. A new study has shown that the infectious agent responsible for ...

Tracking humans in 3-D with off-the-shelf webcams

Many applications require that people and their movements are captured digitally in 3-D in real-time. Until now, this was possible only with expensive systems of several cameras, or by having people wear special suits. Computer ...

Saving the paintbrush lily from extinction

A major effort is underway to conserve the last remaining 60 individual paintbrush lilies (Haemanthus pumilio) in the Duthie Nature Reserve in Stellenbosch, South Africa, as well as increase the population through micropropagation.

Fish prefer to swim with sporty shoalmates

Just like humans, many fish like to surround themselves with active companions - but frisky friends also make for fierce competition. New research from PhD student, Ms Anna Persson, and a team of researchers from the University ...

Global erosivity map shows differences between climatic regions

The first ever global erosivity map gives new insights into the geography of the rain's impact on soil erosion. The underlying JRC research, published in the Nature Group's Scientific Reports, highlights differences between ...

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