
Scientists iron out the physics of wrinkling

When we think of wrinkles, we usually envision the lines etched into our skin, for some an unwelcome reality and for others a proud sign of a life well-lived. In material science, wrinkles can also be either wanted or unwanted. ...

Replacement for PFAS found in soil in New Jersey

A team of researchers from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection has found evidence of chloroperfluoropolyether carboxylates (ClPFPECAs) in New Jersey soils. In ...

Deadly bacterial infection in pigs deciphered

The Clostridium perfringens bacterium is part of the large Clostridium genus which can cause various fatal illnesses in animals and humans. Clostridium infections are widespread. These bacteria are dangerous because they ...

Is it possible to overcome our biases in the face of conflict?

The images in the media have been strong and often disturbing in the wake of George Floyd's death at the hands of Minneapolis police. We process them through our biases, both conscious and unconscious. That's the domain of ...

The day is dawning on a four-day work week

As we near the 100-day mark since the pandemic was declared, one area getting a significant attention is the workplace, where a window is opening for good ideas to move from the fringes to the mainstream.

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