
High seas may be responsible for Taiwan settlement

(PhysOrg.com) -- University of Hawaii archaeologists, led by Barry Rolett, have published a journal in Quaternary Science Reviews focusing on the early settlements of Taiwan. It is their belief that rising sea waters in ...

The wetter the better for daddy longlegs - and birds

(PhysOrg.com) -- Keeping moorland soils wet could prove vital in conserving some of Britain's important upland breeding bird species – by protecting the humble daddy longlegs, according to new research.

Reading letters over the net before they arrive

Siemens’ Trust-Ebox system automates electronic dispatching of letters to such a degree that postal service companies will be able to provide their customers with digital letters at competitive costs. In addition to ...

Greased palm psychology: Collectivism and bribery

(PhysOrg.com) -- Bribery is condemned in most cultures; but it is more common in some countries than in others. Is poverty, political instability, or lax regulation to blame? A new study published in an upcoming issue of ...

Omega acids could reduce bone breakage in laying hens

(PhysOrg.com) -- A study has found that adding the right combination of fatty acids to the diets of laying hens can significantly reduce bone breakage during lay. The research could provide a potentially significant route ...

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