
How landline phones made us happy and connected

Smartphones and the internet have revolutionised society, commerce, and politics, reshaping how we work and play, and how our brains are wired. They have even revolutionised how revolutions are made.

Hubble's frenzy of stars

Discovered in 1900 by astronomer DeLisle Stewart and here imaged by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, IC 4710 is an undeniably spectacular sight. The galaxy is a busy cloud of bright stars, with bright pockets—marking ...

Donor star breathes life into zombie companion

ESA's Integral space observatory has witnessed a rare event: the moment that winds emitted by a swollen red giant star revived its slow-spinning companion, the core of a dead star, bringing it back to life in a flash of X-rays.

Using molecular spectroscopy to study reaction mechanisms

Gasoline, lubricants, and consumer products are improved by chemical additives. Making additives often involves a chemical reaction known as alkylation, the addition of a carbon chain to existing molecules. Chemists know ...

Image: Saturn's greatest storm

Saturn's storm are sights to behold. Unlike other planets in the Solar System, the ringed planet seems to store up huge amounts of energy over multiple Earth decades and then release it all at once in the form of a swirling ...

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