
How did we find the distance to the sun?

How far is the Sun? It seems as if one could hardly ask a more straightforward question. Yet this very inquiry bedeviled astronomers for more than two thousand years.

Pollutants inhibit phytoplankton cell division

Phytoplankton are the ocean's most prolific primary producers, but new research shows environmental toxins are affecting cell division in the Prochlorococcus species.

How vitamin C helps plants beat the sun

While vitamin C in plant chloroplasts is known to help prevent a reduction in growth that plants experience when exposed to excessive light—phenomenon called photo inhibition—how it gets into chloroplasts to begin with ...

Watching nanoscale assembly live

Ebola virus, Alzheimer's amyloid fibrils, tissue collagen scaffolds and cellular cytoskeleton are all filamentous structures that spontaneously assemble from individual proteins.

The supply chain in farming – do we count all the assets?

Most people understand the idea of a supply chain so that, for example, to make a car you need many thousands of different car components for assembly at the factory. If any of those components are no longer available, there ...

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