
Simplifying long-range quantum interactions in many-body systems

Calculations for certain quantum systems whose parts interact over long distances will be much easier to perform thanks to the work of a RIKEN physicist and his collaborator, who have extended an assumption that holds for ...

Scientific literature on oxidative reactions analysed

The ASYMCAT research group, from the Department of Organic Chemistry of the University of Valencia (UV), has gathered in a review article all the information on asymmetric Mannich oxidative reactions, a set of chemical reactions ...

Biological diversity evokes human happiness

Under the current pandemic conditions, activities out in nature are a popular pastime. The beneficial effects of a diverse nature on people's mental health have already been documented by studies on a smaller scale. Scientists ...

Anti-gravity: How a boat can float upside down

Here on Earth, everything is subject to gravity—it makes objects fall to the ground and rivers flow from higher ground to the sea. We know what would happen without it, thanks to images of astronauts floating around their ...

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