
A new way to corrosion-proof thin atomic sheets

A variety of two-dimensional materials that have promising properties for optical, electronic, or optoelectronic applications have been held back by the fact that they quickly degrade when exposed to oxygen and water vapor. ...

Artificial gut aims to expose the elusive microbiome

The microbiome is a collection of trillions of bacteria that reside in and on our bodies. Each person's microbiome is unique—just like a fingerprint—and researchers are finding more and more ways in which it impacts our ...

Team studies 2000-year-old Herculaneum Scrolls

Researchers led by the renowned ancient artifacts expert Professor Brent Seales will be using the U.K."s Diamond Light Source synchrotron science facility in the heart of Oxfordshire to examine a collection of world-famous ...

Were hot, humid summers the key to life's origins?

Uncovering how the first biological molecules (like proteins and DNA) arose is a major goal for researchers attempting to solve the origin of life. Today, chemists at Saint Louis University, in collaboration with scientists ...

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