
Boiler modifications cut mercury emissions

Lehigh University researchers in Bethlehem, Pa., have developed a cost-effective technique for reducing mercury emissions from coal-fired power plants.

New battery technology powers for 12 years

University of Wisconsin-Madison scientists say they are developing super-charged tiny lithium batteries to help treat nervous system and other disorders.

Digital music sales triple

If the recording industry had any doubts about the power of online music, they were put to rest Monday with a report from the London-based IFPI that digital sales of music tripled over last year.

Rat hair cells found to be true stem cells

Cells inside hair follicles are stem cells able to develop into the cell types needed for hair growth and follicle replacement, Swiss researchers claim.

Mars rovers may yet make major discoveries

NASA scientists in Washington have stopped making predictions about the Mars rovers Spirit and Opportunity as the devices continue to navigate across Mars.

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