
Finding toxic carcinogenic metals faster in foods and water

Researchers at the University Johannesburg have developed an efficient and more sensitive method to test for dangerous levels of heavy metals like arsenic, cadmium and chromium in vegetables and water. The method can be used ...

Climate change to steepen food prices

Food prices could increase while farmers are paid less for their produce as climate shocks deepen problems in Sub-Saharan Africa's struggling food systems, an agricultural researcher says.

Researchers investigate the impact of COVID-19 on terrorism

While government leaders are focused on fighting COVID-19, the threat of terrorism has not gone away. In fact, homeland security experts have warned that violent extremists may seek to take advantage of the fear and disruption ...

Famous economics experiment reproduced thousands of times

In an open marketplace, such as a farmers' market where produce and other goods like candles and flowers are exchanged for money, the ideal prices for both consumers and sellers will quickly emerge. For example, if a seller ...

Isaias lashes US east coast with fierce winds, heavy rain

Hurricane Isaias slammed into North Carolina bringing life-threatening storm surges and leaving more than 350,000 homes without power, as the US eastern seaboard battened down for flash floods and destructive winds.

UN chief says 1 billion students affected by virus closures

U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said Tuesday the coronavirus pandemic has led to the largest disruption of education in history, with schools closed in more than 160 countries in mid-July, affecting over 1 billion ...

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