
Rocket team to discern if our star count should go way up

The universe contains a mind-boggling number of stars—but scientists' best estimates may be an undercount. A NASA-funded sounding rocket is launching with an improved instrument to look for evidence of extra stars that ...

Mockingbird song decoded

The North American mockingbird is famous for its ability to imitate the song of other birds. But it doesn't just mimic its kindred species, it actually composes its own songs based on other birds' melodies. An interdisciplinary ...

The pandemic blew up the American office—for better and worse

The COVID-19 pandemic will eventually abate, but it will leave behind a profound change in what it means to go to work. After being forced into a massive yearlong experiment in working from home, employers and employees alike ...

Lake habitats are disappearing as the climate changes

Global warming is increasing the temperatures of lakes worldwide—are species finding the temperatures they need to survive? Researchers led by scientists at the Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries ...

Scientists establish new records of Singapore's sea-level history

Climate scientists at the Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU, Singapore) have extended the known record of Singapore's sea level to almost 10,000 years ago, providing a more robust dataset to aid future predictions ...

Average-sized 'dead zone' forecast for Gulf of Mexico

A team of scientists including a University of Michigan aquatic ecologist is forecasting this summer's Gulf of Mexico hypoxic area or "dead zone," an area of low to no oxygen that can kill fish and other marine life, to be ...

Handwriting examiners in the digital age

People are writing more than ever with their keyboards and phones, but handwritten notes have become rare. Even signatures are going out of style. Most credit card purchases no longer require them, and if they do, you can ...

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