
Adapting laboratory techniques for remote instruction

The COVID-19 pandemic forced instructors to adapt their courses for online learning. Laboratory courses were particularly difficult due to lack of access to specialized equipment for remote learners. To overcome this challenge, ...

Plant competition during climate change

How plants cope with stress factors has already been broadly researched. Yet what happens when a plant is confronted with two stressors simultaneously? A research team working with Simon Haberstroh and Prof. Dr. Christiane ...

How to retard time for cells

Scientists at Leipzig University, in collaboration with colleagues from Germany and England, have succeeded in reversibly slowing down cellular processes. A team of biophysicists led by Professor Josef Alfons Käs and Dr ...

Researchers continue to refine graphene production using HPC

Graphene may be among the most exciting scientific discoveries of the last century. While it is strikingly familiar to us—graphene is considered an allotrope of carbon, meaning that it essentially the same substance as ...

New hybrid OSSE method improves local severe storm forecasts

Since the era of meteorological satellites began in the 1950s, continuous remote sensing instrument improvements have elevated Earth science and have significantly increased available atmospheric observations. Likewise, scientists ...

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