
Timing affects hurricane evacuation decisions

In the US, the 2015 hurricane season begins against a backdrop of other recent extreme weather news. Texas floods and Midwest tornadoes remind us of what water and wind can do. We can take comfort from considerable improvement ...

Cellulose becoming a supermaterial of the future

The researchers are working together to develop new biomaterial applications within the Design Driven Value Chains in the World of Cellulose (DWoC) 2.0 project coordinated by VTT.

Counterintuitive math of high speed impacts

It seems to contradict common sense—that greater speed for a missile or meteorite does not necessarily mean deeper penetration into the ground upon impact. But that's the finding confirmed by NJIT Professor Lou Kondic, ...

Community TV's last stand from the government's spectrum grab

A new campaign is underway this week to persuade the federal government to reverse its decision to push community television stations off the allocated broadcast spectrum at the end of this year in favour of online-only programming.

Charting the Milky Way from the inside out

Imagine trying to create a map of your house while confined to only the living room. You might peek through the doors into other rooms or look for light spilling in through the windows. But, in the end, the walls and lack ...

Wetlands ecologist explores ancient sea in the desert

When you meet Jorge Ramos, the first things you'll notice are his easy smile and genuine interest in others. Give it a few minutes, and you'll be captivated by his enthusiasm for science and entertained by his quick wit.

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