
First light for SPHERE exoplanet imager

SPHERE—the Spectro-Polarimetric High-contrast Exoplanet REsearch instrument—has been installed on ESO's Very Large Telescope at the Paranal Observatory in Chile. This powerful facility for studying exoplanets uses multiple ...

New pollution rule puts onus on states

A major initiative to cut the pollution emitted from the nation's power plants set off a scramble Monday in Washington - where Republicans instantly pounced on the proposed rules - and in states, where much of the work in ...

Judge dismisses lawsuit over NSA cellphone data

A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit an Idaho woman filed against President Barack Obama and other federal officials over the National Security Agency's collection of cellphone information.

Underwater sound examined for links to missing jet

A team of Australian researchers looking into the disappearance of Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 released data on Wednesday about an unusual underwater sound recorded around the time the plane vanished, though the lead scientist ...

The 'Sherlock Holmes' of Himalayan mountaineering

When a deadly avalanche hit Mount Everest last April, reporters made a beeline for 90-year-old Elizabeth Hawley, the woman Edmund Hillary once called "the Sherlock Holmes of the mountaineering world".

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