
Was the Earth ever frozen solid?

The movie The Day After Tomorrow depicts a catastrophic climate shift to global cooling, which is referred to as the new ice age. In the movie, melting of polar ice caused by global warming disrupts the North Atlantic current, ...

Microbes with a reserve pack of sulfur

SUP05 bacteria are often found in places where there is really no basis for life for them. Researchers in Bremen have now discovered that they are even quite active there – possibly with consequences for the global nitrogen ...

Astronomer composes galactic jazz

A new musical composition expressing the movement of gases through the galaxy as musical notes, "Milky Way Blues" by astronomer Mark Heyer, a research professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, will be featured ...

A drug lord and the world's largest invasive animal

At his infamous zenith in the 1990s, Pablo Escobar's drug-fueled empire—a vast underworld syndicate built upon the United States' insatiable appetite for cocaine—made him one of the wealthiest criminals in history.

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