
Leading homeless veterans back into mainstream of life

After bouncing among homeless shelters in Los Angeles for more than two years, disabled veteran Brandon Murphy expected to get his life back on track when he landed in an apartment in Inglewood, thanks to the Veterans Affairs ...

A faster and cheaper way to produce new antibiotics

A novel way of synthesising a promising new antibiotic has been identified by scientists at the University of Bristol. By expressing the genes involved in the production of pleuromutilin in a different type of fungus, the ...

Researchers develop 'designer' chemical separation membranes

Researchers from Imperial College London have developed a new synthetic method for producing molecularly designed polymer membranes that has the potential to make chemical separation processes up to two orders of magnitude ...

Meet the next sport of the modern age: Drone racing

Decked out in high-tech goggles, pilot Steve Zoumas dives low and sees the final gate zooming toward him: a 20-foot-tall metal-framed box ringed with neon. Boom! His sight goes black. The crowd lets out a collective "Whoa!" ...

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