
Ancient four-legged whales once roamed land and sea

Whales belong in the ocean, right? That may be true today, but cetaceans (whales, dolphins, porpoises) actually descended from four legged mammals that once lived on land. New research published in Current Biology reports ...

Singapore seizes record shipment of pangolin scales

Singaporean authorities made a record seizure of nearly 13 tonnes of pangolin scales worth some $38.7 million, officials said Thursday, calling it the largest such haul globally in recent years.

Thirteen new ant species discovered in Hong Kong

In two separate articles recently published in Zookeys and Asian Myrmecology, Dr. Benoit Guénard from the School of Biological Sciences of the University of Hong Kong (HKU) and his team has expanded the knowledge on Hong ...

Boeing 737 MAX and the cost of a grounded fleet

Boeing's 737 MAX fleet has been grounded by airlines around the world for the last three weeks. First flown commercially in 2017, the 737 MAX is the fourth generation of Boeing's 737 series and it is actually not unusual ...

Tuneable reverse photochromes in the solid state

Photochromes are dyes that change their colour depending on the light they receive. When light is switched off they can either remain in their photoinduced state (P-type photochromes) or turn back to their original state ...

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