
Advanced radio technologies for fairer 4G communications

If you live in one of the dozen or so European countries with an up and running 4Gmobile network, you may have already bought a 4G-enabled phone, hoping to enjoy the blisteringly fast data rates your operator is advertising. ...

Non-glaring photovoltaic installations

Before a photovoltaic installation may be constructed, engineers calculate, for some selected days in the year, when and where the interfering light reflections occur, especially if airports, highways or larger residential ...

Oil palm plantations leave ants isolated

Cutting down rainforest to create oil-palm plantations causes canopy-dwelling ant populations to break up into mutually-exclusive territories with very little overlap, according to new research.

Researchers offer clues to how mussels work

Waves slam the shore with the force of a jetliner screaming at 600 mph. Yet mussels - small but mighty denizens of the intertidal zone - still manage to cling tenaciously to their rocks.

Hubble observes glowing, fiery shells of gas

(Phys.org) —It may look like something from "The Lord of the Rings," but this fiery swirl is actually a planetary nebula known as ESO 456-67. Set against a backdrop of bright stars, the rust-colored object lies in the constellation ...

Japan group tests fuel-saving driverless trucks

(Phys.org) —Japan's New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO) has tested a caravan of self driving trucks. They put four trucks on the road, with the first truck driven by a human, followed by ...

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