
Research: It's more than just the science

When putting together a team of scientists to work on a problem, it makes sense to bring together the best and brightest in the field, right?

Are you big pharma's new target market?

By 2018, it is estimated that the global pharmaceutical market will be worth more than $1.3 trillion USD. To corner their share of profits, established drug companies have to fight fierce competition from generic products, ...

How safe is the enemy of a citrus-threatening pest?

The Asian citrus psyllid (ACP) can spread the lethal and incurable citrus disease known as huanglongbing (HLB) or citrus greening that threatens the multi-billion dollar global citrus industry. In Southern California, large ...

Obama hooks up new school broadband plan

President Barack Obama on Tuesday unveiled a new government partnership with the private sector worth nearly three billion dollars to hook up an extra 20 million school kids to high speed Internet.

Optical data storage has virtually unlimited lifetime

(Phys.org) —Data stored on today's CDs and DVDs has a lifetime of several decades before the physical material begins to significantly decay. Researchers are working on prolonging the lifetime of stored data, but so far ...

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