
Sugar-free candy not a sweet treat for dogs, veterinarian warns

When taking home a stash of candy, keep an eye on the sugar-free kind. While it may be a good alternative for humans, just a small amount can be life-threatening for pets, says a Kansas State University veterinarian.

Pirate Bay founder jailed for hacking Danish data

A Danish court on Friday sentenced the Swedish founder of file-sharing site The Pirate Bay to 3½ years in prison after he was found guilty of hacking into a private company handling sensitive information for Danish authorities.

'Swiss cheese' membrane with adjustable holes

A new membrane, developed by University of Twente scientists, can be made more or less porous 'on demand'. In this way, smart switching between 'open' and 'closed' is possible, which opens the way to innovative applications ...

Possible bright supernova lights up spiral galaxy M61

I sat straight up in my seat when I learned of the discovery of a possible new supernova in the bright Virgo galaxy M61. Since bright usually means close, this newly exploding star may soon become visible in smaller telescopes. ...

Five ways to fight online abuse with good manners

Online and social media's capacity to enable anyone to communicate their ideas and views is much celebrated. So why do so many people feel nervous about getting involved with online debate?

How people respond to a catastrophe on social media

When an earthquake hits, it makes more than just seismic waves. Extreme events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, and terrorist attacks also produce waves of immediate online social interactions, in the form of Tweets, that offer ...

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