
Scientists 'squeeze' light one particle at a time

A team of scientists has successfully measured particles of light being "squeezed", in an experiment that had been written off in physics textbooks as impossible to observe.

Team engineers designer proteins that control enzyme activity

Scientists from the University of Chicago have developed a novel approach to control the activity of enzymes through the use of synthetic, antibody-like proteins known as monobodies. A team led by Shohei Koide, PhD, professor ...

Quantifying the impact of volcanic eruptions on climate

Large volcanic eruptions inject considerable amounts of sulphur in the stratosphere which, once converted into aerosols, block sun rays and tend to cool the surface of the Earth down for several years. An international team ...

Lizards can stomach island living

Life on an island isn't always easy. To make the most of the little there is to eat on many Greek islands, the digestive system of Balkan green lizards has evolved considerably compared to family members on the mainland. ...

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