
Female directors boost green reporting performance

(PhysOrg.com) -- Companies with women on their boards of directors have a better record of corporate transparency in the area of environmental disclosure, according to a study by researchers in the Flinders University Business ...

Apple iPad supply catching up to demand

Apple on Monday promised that US orders for its iPad tablet computers would ship within 24 hours, in a sign that supply of the hot-selling devices was catching up to demand.

Villagers return to slopes of Indonesian volcano

(AP) -- Villagers briefly returned home Tuesday to check their farms along the fertile slopes of an Indonesian volcano that erupted after laying dormant for more than four centuries - catching many scientists off-guard.

Google tool tries to cut through e-mail clutter

(AP) -- Google Inc. can sift through more than a trillion Web links in a matter of seconds, but can the Internet search leader help people wade through their overflowing e-mailboxes?

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