
XMM-Newton deciphers the magnetic physics around forming stars

In a special feature published this week, Astronomy & Astrophysics presents the first round of results from a large project conducted with XMM-Newton, the “XMM-Newton extended survey of the Taurus molecular cloud” (XEST). ...

Chronicle of a Death Foretold

Two of the World's Largest Interferometric Facilities Team-up to Study a Red Giant Star Using ESO's VLTI on Cerro Paranal and the VLBA facility operated by NRAO, an international team of astronomers has made what is arguably ...

Attempting to unlock the secrets of superfluidity

Ever since superfluidity was discovered in liquid helium, scientists have been searching for its causes, and exploring the different phases of matter in which superflow might exist (gases, liquids and solids).

Study: Cheetahs not monogamous

A British study found that female cheetahs in Tanzania are prone to infidelity -- having cubs with several different fathers.

Moths mimic sounds to survive

In a night sky filled with hungry bats, good-tasting moths increase their chances of survival by mimicking the sounds of their bad-tasting cousins, according to a new Wake Forest University study.

XO-3b: Supersized planet or oasis in the 'brown dwarf desert'?

Amateur, professional astronomers find one of the oddest planets on record The latest find from an international planet-hunting team of amateur and professional astronomers is one of the oddest extrasolar planets ever cataloged ...

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