
Secure payment on Internet?

Now that it has become a common feature on the news to hear about cyber attacks on an international scale, cybersecurity is seen as a first priority by Internet users. There can be no doubt that the web has become a battleground ...

A new tool to understand volcanic supereruptions

To understand when and why volcanoes erupt, scientists study the rocks left behind by eruptions past. A method called geobarometry uses the composition of volcanic rocks to estimate the pressure and depth at which molten ...

Planck helps to understand the macrostructure of the universe

Designed to detect the fossil radiation of the universe, the Planck satellite, working in tandem with Herschel, can also help to understand the macrostructure of the universe. A just-published experimental study, carried ...

Controlling defects in engineered liquid crystals

Sitting with a joystick in the comfort of their chairs, scientists can play "rodeo" on a screen magnifying what is happening under their microscope. They rely on optical tweezers to manipulate an intangible ring created out ...

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