
Novel technique to find salt-tolerant plants

University of Adelaide researchers are developing a novel technique to easily measure root growth on growing cereal plants, to identify varieties that are more tolerant to salt stress.

Climate pledges: Who's doing what?

As the Paris climate summit opens, 183 countries have submitted pledges for greenhouse gas (GHG) curbs meant to underpin a 195-nation climate rescue pact.

China raises alarm over rising seas amid climate talks

A new Chinese government report raises alarm over rising sea levels caused by climate change which could potentially threaten the country's developed eastern coast, according to state media and the New York Times.

Japan says to resume whaling, fleet sails to Antarctic Tuesday

Japan will dispatch a whaling fleet to the Antarctic on Tuesday after a one year suspension, the government said, defying international criticism and a UN legal ruling that the "research" expedition is a commercial hunt in ...

China smog climbs to perilous levels on eve of climate talks

Northern China choked under some of the worst smog this year on Monday, with Beijing's pollution soaring to 22 times healthy limits, triggering the city's second-highest air alert on the eve of global climate change talks.

How can people safely take control from a self-driving car?

New cars that can steer and brake themselves risk lulling people in the driver's seat into a false sense of security—and even to sleep. One way to keep people alert may be providing distractions that are now illegal.

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