
Intel's Broadwell may put an end to CPU swap-outs

(Phys.org)—Never content to fixate on the next signpost on Intel's roadmap, Intel watchers are talking about what is beyond the Haswell processors toward its successor architecture, Broadwell. They say that Broadwell will ...

Predicting the effects of changes on living systems

Can scientists predict what happens when they introduce a change into a living system—for example, if they change the structure of a gene or administer a drug? Just as changing one letter can completely change the meaning ...

UN climate boss: No support for tough climate deal

(AP)—The United Nations climate chief is urging people not to look solely to their governments to make tough decisions to slow global warming, and instead to consider their own role in solving the problem.

The colour of love: Zebrafish perform colorful courtship displays

Billy Ocean may not have been thinking of fish when he wrote "The Color of Love", but Sophie Hutter, Attila Hettyey, Dustin Penn, and Sarah Zala from the Konrad Lorenz Institute of Ethology of the University of Veterinary ...

New radio telescope could save world billions

A small pocket of Western Australia's remote outback is set to become the eye on the sky and could potentially save the world billions of dollars. The Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) radio telescope, unveiled today, Friday ...

Scientists say 15% carbon emissions cut needed

The chances of hitting the UN's global warming target are diminishing, but the goal can still be met if greenhouse-gas emissions fall by 15 percent by 2020, scientists said on Friday.

Tajikistan blocks US-funded news website

(AP)—Tajikistan has blocked a popular U.S.-funded news website, only days after barring access to social networking site Facebook for featuring content allegedly insulting to the Central Asian nation's president.

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