
Using off-the-shelf drones to spot deadly jellyfish

The research, published today in the journal PLOS One, focused on Chironex fleckeri—a large jellyfish capable of killing a human in under three minutes and considered the most venomous animal in the world.

Ultrapure copper for an ultrasensitive dark matter detector

In February and March, three batches of copper plates arrived at Fermilab and were rushed into storage 100 meters underground. The copper had been mined in Finland, rolled into plates in Germany and shipped across land and ...

Solar cycle 25: The sun wakes up

The sun has entered its 25th solar cycle and is about to wake up. For the last few years our star has been pretty sleepy, with few sunspots, bright flares or massive ejections of magnetized plasma emanating from its surface. ...

Mechanistic basis of oxygen sensitivity in titanium

Titanium is extremely sensitive to small amounts of oxygen, which can lead to markedly decreased ductility of the material. Materials scientists therefore aim to lower the costs of purifying titanium, while avoiding the poisoning ...

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