
Drought fighter found in soil

Some discoveries happen by accident. Consider how Sept. 28, 1928, unfolded: Alexander Fleming, back in the lab after a vacation with the family, was sorting through dirty Petri dishes that hadn't been cleaned before he went ...

Searching for wild tulips in the mountains of Kyrgyzstan

Tulips are one of the world's most iconic flowers, but their wild existence is still somewhat shrouded in mystery. Thoughts may turn to Holland, but no! Wild tulips actually carpet the stony slopes of the mountains of Central ...

Where sexes come by the thousands

By the end of every spring semester, students in my introductory biology course at Vanderbilt University have become quite familiar with natural variation in human sex chromosomes. They know, for example, that most females ...

Two high-redshift quasars discovered using OGLE

Astronomers report the finding of two new high-redshift quasars using imagery from the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE). The newly found quasars, designated OGLE J015531−752807 and OGLE J005907−645016, ...

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