
UW-Madison geoscientist offers free geologic exploration app

Plenty of apps are born over a cup of joe or a glass of wine or beer. Here's an idea brewed over a beer by a couple of geologists who were fiddling with Untappd, an app covering the who, what and where of microbrews.

A timeline of comet probe's 12-year space odyssey

The European Space Agency's comet-chasing probe Rosetta is performing a final maneuver Friday that will end its 12-year mission with a crash-landing on the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.

Researchers develop tool for measuring social entrepreneurship

The field of social entrepreneurship is expanding globally and is beginning to define itself. A new study from the Naveen Jindal School of Management at UT Dallas seeks to provide a valid, reliable measure of the term.

Rosetta spacecraft headed for comet suicide crash

Europe's pioneering spacecraft Rosetta headed for a suicide crash Friday with the comet it has stalked for two years, nearing the end of an audacious quest to unravel the Solar System's mysteries.

Giant dinosaur footprint discovered in Mongolia desert

One of the biggest dinosaur footprints ever recorded has been unearthed in the Gobi Desert, researchers said Friday, offering a fresh clue about the giant creatures that roamed the earth millions of years ago.

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