
Genomic study of 412 anthrax strains provides new virulence clues

By analyzing genomic sequences from more than 400 strains of the bacterium that causes anthrax, researchers have provided the first evidence that the severity – technically known as virulence – of specific strains may ...

Researcher reports new information about black holes

New research by College of Charleston physics and astronomy professor Chris Fragile may help scientists discover more about intermediate mass black holes and the activities surrounding them.

Researchers 3-D print colloidal crystals

MIT engineers have united the principles of self-assembly and 3-D printing using a new technique, which they highlight today in the journal Advanced Materials.

Two new ways to measure the gravitational constant

A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in China and one in Russia has devised two new ways to measure the gravitational constant. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes the ...

Space station reports 'leak', crew not in danger

The International Space Station crew on Thursday was repairing a small "leak" most likely caused by a collision with a small meteorite, the head of the Russian space agency said, adding the incident presented no danger.

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